This page contains additional forms that may be needed throughout the school year. You may request a printed copy from the school office.
Request for Non-Publication of Student Pictures
If your choice is to not allow Immanuel Lutheran School - Silo to publish pictures of your child(ren) on this web site, you may download the form at the right, complete it and return it to the school. Thank you. |
Permission for Prescription or OTC Medication
If you have the need to send any prescription and/or OTC medication (aspirin, cough medication, etc.) to school for your child, please read, complete, and return to your child's teacher the form at right. |
Field Trip Permission
Your child's teacher will send this home with necessary information already filled in. However, in the unlikely event that your child doesn't get that sheet home you can print and return it to your child's teacher. |
Bullying Policy & Report Form